
Check Out Our New Video
We’ve been banging on about it for absolutely ages but it’s finally here in all it’s 2D glory, our new promo video.
Our new website has had photo’s, demos, set lists, testimonials and just about everything else you’d want to see before booking a band. Everything but a video that is. But that’s changed with the arrival of this beaut!
The video was shot at Jesmond’s As You Like It, a great venue based just minutes outside Newcastle that’s prefect for weddings, birthday parties and corporate functions. We’d like to say a big thank you to the staff at The Apartment Group (Mr. Lynch, House of Smith, Madame Koo’s etc) for letting us use the venue.
We’d also like to say thanks to Phil Cleary and James Mcsloy who put the whole thing together from start to finish.
If at points you think the video has frozen don’t worry, its probably just a shot of our motionless bassist.
We hope you like it!