
Not much to report since our last blog as we’ve all been on our jolly hols. We could give you an account of what we got up to but we are such debauched rock stars that it just wouldn’t be suitable to print. That’s a blatant lie. The only thing our holiday tales are in danger of doing is putting you to sleep!
We intended to have last weekend off but our friend Ian at Millenium Events, master of all things party related, asked us to play a summer party for the Gateshead TA. We’ve played a few dos for the forces and know that they turn into a total blast so decided to return to work early, and we were glad we did. Not only was the party great, we were treated to the greatest BBQ we’ve ever tasted courtesy of her Majesty’s Armed Forces. In fact, out of all buffets we’ve sampled at some of the regions poshest places, we can safely say this was the tastiest scran we’ve ever had! Thanks to all the guys at Gateshead TA for making us feel so welcome!
It’s mainly weddings for us for the rest of the month. Outside of gigs we are still working on our video which we hope to have for you soon as well as some other exciting treats!