
How much for Sandwiches?!?
The wedding season continues for us and the May Bank Holiday was a busy one. The Saturday night saw us at the amazing Lumley Castle in County Durham for the wedding of Kirsty and Steve. The Castle was one of the most impressive venues we’ve played and certainly the most unique so thanks to Kirsty and Steve for having us and all the best! Our limited literacy skills can’t really do the place justice so instead just visit this link and check it out for yourself!
On a sunny bank holiday Sunday we played the wedding of Andrew and Ashleigh at The Grand Hotel in Tynemouth. The gig was great and our set went down a storm with the young crowd. However our rocking set and cheese-tastic DJ set didn’t go down quite so well with the grey haired coach trip that had booked into the hotel and had the rooms above us. They should have just switched their hearing aids off.
What we learnt this month: It’s hard work playing to a pub full of geordies that just watched Newcastle get beat 6 – 0. Phil looks hot in Edwardian dress. Club land isn’t dead and never order a platter of sandwiches at a posh hotel before you find out the price. £30 if you’re wondering.