
Q:Is that a meringue? A:Pavlova, mate!
Our first gig after our holidays was the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Anne and Wilf. A lovely couple from Low Worsall, a small village just outside of Yarm. With a few older songs thrown in, our amps turned all the way down and Peter “hitting” his drums as soft as possible we set about entertaining the guests. We were up against it having to follow on stage comedian and compare, Tommy, a man that forgot punch lines like our bassist forgets notes, but the crowd appreciated us! Highlight of the night for Phil was the Pavlova. Having only ever eaten a dry meringue on its own, Mr. Norris’s mind was blown by what could be achieved by the addition of summer berries and a bit of whipped cream!
What Phil didn’t realise was that less than a week later, when we played the NHS Trust party at The Gosforth Park Marriot Hotel, just outside Newcastle, his mind would be further blown. While perusing the hotel’s desert menu he stumbled across Eaton Mess and when he found out that this was basically smashed Pavlova he just had to order. Things Phil loves; Peacocks and Meringue based puddings.
Friday gone saw us at The Royal Station Hotel in the centre of Newcastle for the wedding of Gary and Stef. An unusually early start time of half seven meant that the sober crowd were at first unwilling to venture onto the dance floor but come the second set we had them up and dancing.
Saturday’s wedding was a little further afield at Otterburn Castle in Northumberland. Kerri and James booked us over a year ago after seeing us perform at Mr. Lynch in Jesmond , there advanced planning meant they got us at last years rates. If you’re reading this with a view to booking us for a future date then be aware there is no such thing as too far in advance for us! Anyway, back to the wedding. The venue was great and although a little remote it’s certainly worth checking out. A special mention to the venue’s wedding coordinator, Stefan who was on the ball throughout and very helpful. We had a great night, so much so we didn’t mind the late drive back. Thanks and all the best to Kerri and James.